- brew cask install google-cloud-sdk (apt install google-cloud-sdk)
- brew install kubernetes-cli (apt install kubernetes-cli)
- gcloud container clusters get-credentials muzna-bo-aio-01 --zone europe-west2-c --project strange-metrics-258802
- kubectl config rename-context gke_strange-metrics-258802_europe-west2-c_muzna-bo-aio-01 muzna-aio
- kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development port-forward svc/redis 6379:6379
- make run service (i.e:
make run service python-service
- The Microservice must be located under services directory
- main.py is the located at the root of the microservice directory and has the main function
- requirements.txt is the located at the root of the microservice directory
- Dockerfile is the located at the root of the microservice directory
- k8s is the located at the root of the microservice directory
kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development port-forward svc/redis 6379:6379
kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development port-forward svc/redis-exposed 6380:6379
Local: redis:6789 and redis-exposed:6789 External: redis-exposed.ftx.dev.muwazana.com
1.Generate secrets - this is base64 encoded but not encrypted
kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development create secret generic ftx-dropcopy --from-literal=FTXKEY=CYZ -o yaml --dry-run > k8s/base/k8s-sec.yaml
2 Apply
kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development apply -f services/ftx-dropcopy/k8s/base/k8s-cm.yaml
kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development apply -f k8s/base/k8s-sec.yaml
kubectl -n development create secret generic ftx-dropcopy --dry-run --from-literal=foo=bar -o yaml | kubeseal --context muzna-aio --controller-namespace commons --controller-name sealed-secrets -o yaml > services/ftx-dropcopy/k8s/base/k8s-ssec.yaml
Make sure k8s-ssec.yaml is in kustomization.yml.
make manual-deploy service ftx-dropcopy development/development
make manual-deploy service ftx-dashboard development/development
make manual-deploy service redis-exposed development/development
make manual-deploy job mktdata-archiver development/development
make manual-deploy app ftx-dashboard development/development
To generate/view a manifest file (never needed, auto done in manual deploy)
make gen service ftx-dropcopy development/development
kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development scale --replicas 0 deployment ftx-dropcopy
Ctrl-A abbreviations dp deployment (delete here to remove pods) s shell l stdout/stderr p go up y/enter view secrets :ctx context :ns development :sec secrets
make build docker python
Replace python with service or [all] as well.
Build app
make build image mktdata-archiver
To update the app, manually update the argo-workflow.yaml
file and apply it in k8s.
Run mktdata-archiver cronjob as a job:
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/mktdata-archiver <job-name>
Port forwarding:
kubectl --context muzna-aio --namespace development port-forward svc/tardis-machine 8000:8000
Internal URL: http://tardis-machine:8000
See helm/jupyterlab
and infrastructure/docker/jupyterlab
- Update
- Build image:
docker build -f Dockerfile .
- Run:
infrastructure/docker/jupyterlab/update_registry.sh <source image> <version>
- Update version in
- Run
- Download helmv2 from https://github.com/helm/helm/releases and copy it as
into your $PATH. helm2 init
helm2 repo update
helm repo add jupyterhub https://jupyterhub.github.io/helm-chart/
helm2 repo update
curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com > /tmp/gcl && bash /tmp/gcl --install-dir=~/gcloud --disable-prompts
./gcloud/google-application-sdk/gcloud auth application-default login
poetry config repositories.mwz https://nexus.tools.muwazana.com/repository/muwazana-hosted-pypi/
poetry config http-basic.mwz muwazana-user <PASSWORD>
For apps that need to use the repo, set the repo to pyproject.toml repo url:
name = "mwz"
url = "https://nexus.tools.muwazana.com/repository/muwazana-pypi/simple"