The next patch version of LSP will remove the following commands:
- lsp_next_diagnostic
- lsp_previous_diagnostic
- lsp_hide_diagnostic
These were bound by default to f8 and shift+f8.
As a replacement, LSP will rely on the following two built-in commands:
- next_result
- prev_result
These are bound to f4 and shift+f4. LSP will listen for these commands and
show a stripped-down version of the familiar "hover" popup that will only
show diagnostics.
Code Lenses
CodeLens is a popular feature in Visual Studio Code. The essence of
the feature is "actionable contextual information interspersed" in your
source code. That's quite a mouthful. Let me break it down for you.
Code lenses are links in your code:
- Actionable: You can click on the link and something happens.
- Contextual: The links are close to the code they are representing.
- Interspersed: The links located throughout your source code.
LSP will now render code lenses as annotations to the right of your
code. Some experimentation was done using phantoms rendered below the
relevant region, but it turns out it's annoying to see your code jump
around vertically.
Because code lenses are highly dependent on client glue code, LSP will
only request code lenses from the language server when the session is
backed by a helper package. The helper package is expected to handle the
custom commands from those code lenses.
Miscellaneous Features & Fixes
- Temporarily disabled configs could be updating themselves (Raoul Wols)
- Fix related diagnostics being smushed together (Raoul Wols)