Simulation : We are acting as a Hydro-Electric Dam operator. Our job is to make profit while trading electricity throughout the year. When we buy electricity, we use it to fill the dam. When we sell electricity, we empty the dam through the generator gates. Some real-world losses concerned with this process have to be integrated as well.
RL Agent Training : Accomplished using Classical Tabular based Q-learning and Double Deep-Q Networks.
For anaconda, use the command : conda env create -f environment.yml in the main directory.
For vanilla python virtual environment or installation, you can also use : pip install -r requirements.txt
- : contains our self designed gym environment
- : contains code for preprocessing the xlsx files for our environment
- : contains the DDQN based RL agent
- : contains code for training and validating our DDQN agent on our custom environment
- : contains the Tabular Qlearning based RL agent as well as code for training and testing the models
- : code for testing our agent with random actions on validation set
exploratory_data_analysis.ipynb : EDA python notebooks
Plots.ipynb : Python notebooks with the code used for plotting graphs for our report
- : code for plotting the v-value plots
In all the experiment files, you can change the mode variable to 'train' to train your own models using the custom agent.
- Use for training/validation.
- Look for parameters to configure using the class definition in
- Use for training and validation.
- Use for console output. makes use of our pretrained ddqn agent using the basic set to work on the validation set provided in validate.xlsx. The model used for this is provided in the same directory and should work out of the box.
The resulting plots have been provided in the plots
directory (in the form of static images) as well as the archived_results
directory (in the form of csv and text).
If model and data directory do not exist, the validation will fail to work. Train your models first in these cases before trying to validate the custom environment.
Michal Butkiewicz, Sunny Soni, Andrzej Szczepura