Module commands
- Ability to turn off modules and commands
- Adjust permissions required to use modules and commands using permission groups.
- Adjust timeout for each command (How long a user has to wait to use the command again)
Custom triggers/events
- Custom commands
- Different types of triggers
- Several types of parameters
- Optional parameters
- Require users to have required permissions for elevated rules. (e.g Ban/kick)
- Variables for all types
- Arrays for every type
- While, for loops
- Basic HTTP requests
- JSON parsing
- Custom commands
Primary/secondary channels
- Primary channels can be set so commands/bot messages stay there forever.
- Secondary channels can be set so commands/bot messages get deleted after a certain amount of time.
Play music to VOIP channel
- Find music from different providers like YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud.
- Resolve a song that cannot be played from a provider to thge same song but from a different provider.
Customisable server logs (Join/leave voice channel, etc.)
- Filter through server logs
Message logs
- Filter through all messages
Connect with lichess and other services
Guild storage for custom command/triggers
- Growing storage for every user
Interactive terminal
Advanced error handling
Customisable permission groups
- Permission groups can be attached to every part of the bot, and allow you to set roles/members for them.
- Commands
- Configurable argument types
- Argument groups
- Allow repeating, optional, and priority over other argument groups.
- Allow priority over other groups (For overlapping arguments.)