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The handbaloner package has useful function for the visualization of handball data.

Package installation

The development version can be installed from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Also, the plot_paces function has as dependency the package ggflags, which is not in CRAN. So in order to use that function, that dependency should be installed (not needed to use the rest of the functions)

install.packages("ggflags", repos = c(

Court visualization examples

In this example, we can draw a basic court.



We can change the colours, rotate vertically and mirror the court with the functions’ parameters

court(vertical = TRUE, flip = TRUE, court_color = "orange", 
      area_color = "#3431A2", lines_color = "black")

As the plots are generated with ggplot, we can describe the colours with their HEX code, rgb, number or by its name in english; see: use of colours in ggplot2

We can also draw half a court

half_court(vertical = TRUE, court_color = colors()[36], 
      area_color = rgb(red = 0.2, green = 0.4, blue = 0.6), 
      lines_color = "yellow")

Another useful function is distance_to_goal which measures the distance from a point of the field to its closest goal, given some coordinates ([-40, 40] in the x axis and [-20, 20] in the y axis):

distance_to_goal(x = 10, y = 3)
#> [1] 10.11187

Also, as this is a ggplot, we can add some additional layers. For example, let’s generate a data.frame with some coordinates of shots and whether they were goals or not. We will add the distance to goal as a column and plot in green and red if the shots were goal or not.

shots <- dplyr::tibble(x = c(-13, -12, 11, -11, 9.5),
                       y = c(2, 5, -3, -1, 0),
                       goal = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0)) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(goal = as.character(goal)) 

dplyr::mutate(shots, distance_to_goal = distance_to_goal(x, y))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#>       x     y goal  distance_to_goal
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>
#> 1 -13       2 1                 7.02
#> 2 -12       5 0                 8.73
#> 3  11      -3 1                 9.12
#> 4 -11      -1 1                 9   
#> 5   9.5     0 0                10.5
court() +
  ggplot2::geom_point(data = shots, ggplot2::aes(x, y, color = goal),
                      size = 4) +
  ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("0" = "red", "1" = "green"))

Goal visualization examples

In this example, we can draw a handball goal.



We can change the colour of the goal. It is red by default.



Now, let’s draw some shots, just as we did with the court:

goal_shots <- dplyr::tibble(x = c(-2, -1, 0.5, 0.7, 1.4),
                       y = c(0.2, 2, -0.5, 0.3, 0.9),
                       goal = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1)) |> 
  dplyr::mutate(goal = as.character(goal)) 

draw_goal() +
  ggplot2::geom_point(data = goal_shots, ggplot2::aes(x, y, color = goal),
                      size = 4) +
  ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("0" = "red", "1" = "green"))

Generate Play by Play tidy data from IHF files

First, you need to download the PBP pdf file. You can use the scrape_from_ihf function to do so. Find the link for the match information and set the folder to download the file.

For the first match of the 2023 World Men’s Handball Championship, you can download all PDFs as follows:

scrape_from_ihf(link = "",
                folder = "ejemplo")

Now, use the generate_tidy_pbp to generate a data.frame in a tidy format.

tidy <- generate_tidy_pbp("ejemplo/47PBP.PDF")
#> Column 2 ['V3'] of item 2 is missing in item 1. Use fill=TRUE to fill with NA (NULL for list columns), or use.names=FALSE to ignore column names. use.names='check' (default from v1.12.2) emits this message and proceeds as if use.names=FALSE for  backwards compatibility. See news item 5 in v1.12.2 for options to control this message.
#>      match_id     teams gender   time numeric_time  half
#>         <num>    <char> <char> <char>        <num> <num>
#>   1:       47 USA - EGY      M   0:00            0     1
#>   2:       47 USA - EGY      M   0:00            0     1
#>   3:       47 USA - EGY      M   0:39           39     1
#>   4:       47 USA - EGY      M   0:39           39     1
#>   5:       47 USA - EGY      M   0:47           47     1
#>  ---                                                    
#> 169:       47 USA - EGY      M  57:33         3453     2
#> 170:       47 USA - EGY      M  58:28         3508     2
#> 171:       47 USA - EGY      M  59:11         3551     2
#> 172:       47 USA - EGY      M  59:45         3585     2
#> 173:       47 USA - EGY      M  59:55         3595     2
#>                                                                action number
#>                                                                <char> <char>
#>   1:                                            ROBINSON N Goalkeeper    99 
#>   2:                                             HENDAWY K Goalkeeper    88 
#>   3:                                             STROMBERG J Turnover     6 
#>   4:                                                  HENDAWY K Steal    88 
#>   5:         SAAD A Goal right wing top left (48 ABDELHAK M), 86 km/h    53 
#>  ---                                                                        
#> 169:                            ELDERAA Y Goal centre 9m bottom right    39 
#> 170: AMITOVIC A Goal centre 9m bottom left (7 CHAN BLANCO A), 79 km/h     5 
#> 171:                             ELDERAA S Goal centre 9m bottom left    45 
#> 172:                                   AMITOVIC A Shot centre 9m post     5 
#> 173:                                    SHEBIB M Technical Fault (FB)    89 
#>        team goalkeeper opponent_goalkeeper assist_number goal_number
#>      <char>     <char>              <char>        <char>      <char>
#>   1:    USA        99                  88           <NA>        <NA>
#>   2:    EGY        88                  99           <NA>        <NA>
#>   3:    USA        99                  88           <NA>        <NA>
#>   4:    EGY        88                  99           <NA>        <NA>
#>   5:    EGY        88                  99             48         53 
#>  ---                                                                
#> 169:    EGY        92                  99           <NA>         39 
#> 170:    USA        99                  92              7          5 
#> 171:    EGY        92                  99           <NA>         45 
#> 172:    USA        99                  92           <NA>        <NA>
#> 173:    EGY        92                  99           <NA>        <NA>
#>      shot_number  goal shot_speed in_goal_position shot_position  post saved
#>           <char> <num>      <num>           <char>        <char> <num> <num>
#>   1:        <NA>     0         NA             <NA>          <NA>    NA    NA
#>   2:        <NA>     0         NA             <NA>          <NA>    NA    NA
#>   3:        <NA>     0         NA             <NA>          <NA>    NA    NA
#>   4:        <NA>     0         NA             <NA>          <NA>    NA    NA
#>   5:        <NA>     1         86         top left    right wing    NA    NA
#>  ---                                                                        
#> 169:        <NA>     1         NA     bottom right     centre 9m    NA    NA
#> 170:        <NA>     1         79      bottom left     centre 9m    NA    NA
#> 171:        <NA>     1         NA      bottom left     centre 9m    NA    NA
#> 172:          5      0         NA             post     centre 9m     1    NA
#> 173:        <NA>     0         NA             <NA>          <NA>    NA    NA
#>      vertical_goal_position horizontal_goal_position causes_7m_number
#>                      <char>                   <char>           <char>
#>   1:                   <NA>                     <NA>             <NA>
#>   2:                   <NA>                     <NA>             <NA>
#>   3:                   <NA>                     <NA>             <NA>
#>   4:                   <NA>                     <NA>             <NA>
#>   5:                    top                     left             <NA>
#>  ---                                                                 
#> 169:                 bottom                    right             <NA>
#> 170:                 bottom                     left             <NA>
#> 171:                 bottom                     left             <NA>
#> 172:                   <NA>                     <NA>             <NA>
#> 173:                   <NA>                     <NA>             <NA>
#>      receives_7m_number turnover technical_foul  steal suspension is_home
#>                  <char>   <char>         <char> <char>     <char>  <lgcl>
#>   1:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>   <NA>       <NA>    TRUE
#>   2:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>   <NA>       <NA>   FALSE
#>   3:               <NA>       6            <NA>   <NA>       <NA>    TRUE
#>   4:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>    88        <NA>   FALSE
#>   5:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>   <NA>       <NA>   FALSE
#>  ---                                                                     
#> 169:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>   <NA>       <NA>   FALSE
#> 170:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>   <NA>       <NA>    TRUE
#> 171:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>   <NA>       <NA>   FALSE
#> 172:               <NA>     <NA>           <NA>   <NA>       <NA>    TRUE
#> 173:               <NA>     <NA>            89    <NA>       <NA>   FALSE
#>      number_suspended no_goalkeeper number_court_players possession
#>                 <int>         <num>                <num>     <char>
#>   1:                0            NA                   NA        USA
#>   2:                0            NA                   NA        USA
#>   3:                0             0                    6        USA
#>   4:                0             0                    6        USA
#>   5:                0             0                    6        EGY
#>  ---                                                               
#> 169:                0             0                    6        EGY
#> 170:                0             0                    6        USA
#> 171:                0             0                    6        EGY
#> 172:                0             0                    6        USA
#> 173:                0             0                    6        EGY
#>      number_of_possession start_of_possession end_of_possession   score  lead
#>                     <int>              <char>            <char>  <char> <num>
#>   1:                    1                <NA>              <NA>   0 - 0     0
#>   2:                    1                <NA>              <NA>   0 - 0     0
#>   3:                    1                0:00              0:39   0 - 0     0
#>   4:                    1                0:00              0:39   0 - 0     0
#>   5:                    2                0:39              0:47   0 - 1    -1
#>  ---                                                                         
#> 169:                  115               57:22             57:33 15 - 34   -19
#> 170:                  116               57:33             58:28 16 - 34   -18
#> 171:                  117               58:28             59:11 16 - 35   -19
#> 172:                  118               59:11             59:45 16 - 35   -19
#> 173:                  119               59:45             60:00 16 - 35   -19
#>      possession_length
#>                  <num>
#>   1:                NA
#>   2:                NA
#>   3:                39
#>   4:                39
#>   5:                 8
#>  ---                  
#> 169:                11
#> 170:                55
#> 171:                43
#> 172:                34
#> 173:                15

Plot paces of both teams throughout the game

To plot the paces of both teams in 5 minute intervals, we just need to have the play by play data in a tidy format generated by the generate_tidy_pbp. The plot_paces function takes the data and the match ID we want to visualize and returns the plot.

plot_paces(tidy, 47)


Utilidades para el análisis de datos de balonmano







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