This is the Theano code for our paper "Enhancing the Alignment between Target Words and Corresponding Frames for Video Captioning", which has been accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition. Tu, Yunbin, et al. The version of pre-proof is available in this link.
Firstly, Clone our repository:
$ git clone
Here, the folder data contains 8 pkl files needed to train and test the model.
Ubantu; Python 2.7; A Titan xp. The results may be differnt when using different GPUs.
For Theano, I recommend you to install it via anaconda:
$ conda install theano pygpu
coco-caption. Install it by simply adding it into your $PYTHONPATH.
Jobman. After it has been git cloned, please add it into $PYTHONPATH as well.
Finally, you will also need to install h5py, since we will use hdf5 files to store the preprocessed features.
The pre-processed MSVD dataset used in our paper are available at this link, and there is the baidu cloud link.
The extracted concatenation of ResNet-152 and C3D features on MSVD can be download at this link.
Here, you need to set 'False' with reload in
Now ready to launch the training
$ THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=cuda0,floatX=float32 python
If you find this helps your research, please consider citing:
title={Enhancing the Alignment between Target Words and Corresponding Frames for Video Captioning},
author={Tu, Yunbin and Zhou, Chang and Guo, Junjun and Gao, Shengxiang and Yu, Zhengtao},
journal={Pattern Recognition},
Running for the first time takes much longer since Theano needs to compile for the first time lots of things and cache on disk for the future runs. You will probably see some warning messages on stdout. It is safe to ignore all of them. Both model parameters and configurations are saved (the saving path is printed out on stdout, easy to find). The most important thing to monitor is train_valid_test.txt in the exp output folder. It is a big table saving all metrics per validation.
My email is
Any discussions and suggestions are welcome!