For an easy installation, use the docker container with all dependencies and libraries already installed:
docker pull jfernandez37/aprs-ros2-demo
Allow for the terminal you are in to load GUI's on the host device:
xhost +local:docker
Start a new container using the docker image:
docker run -t -d --name aprs-ros2-demo -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e LOCAL_USER_ID=1001 --gpus=all --runtime=nvidia -e "NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all" --network=host --pid=host --privileged -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw jfernandez37/aprs-ros2-demo
Open the container in the terminal:
docker exec -it aprs-ros2-demo bash
Source all of the correct resources:
echo "export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=/home/ubuntu/gz_ws/install/ur_description/share/:/home/ubuntu/aprs_ws/install/aprs_gz_sim/share/aprs_gz_sim/gz_models/:/home/ubuntu/aprs_ws/install/aprs_description/share:/home/ubuntu/aprs_ws/install/aprs_gz_sim/share:/home/ubuntu/aprs_ws/install/aprs_gz_sim/share/aprs_gz_sim/worlds:/home/ubuntu/aprs_ws/install/aprs_gz_sim/share/aprs_gz_sim/models:/home/ubuntu/aprs_ws/install/ariac_gz_plugins/share/ariac_gz_plugins/models" > ~/.bashrc
To open the simulation, use this command:
ros2 launch aprs_gz_sim environment.launch.py use_seperate_descriptions:=True
If you would like to test the the movement of the robots, use this command:
ros2 launch moveit_test individual_testing.launch.py
It is possible that the docker image is not updated to the most recent version of the simulation. To solve this issue, run these commands
cd ~/aprs_ws/src/APRS_ros2_demo_sim
git pull
git checkout new_demo
cd ~/aprs_ws
colcon build