Contact sharing app using Qr codes to transmite contact information around
Proof of concept app that scans a qr code containing contact information and generate a qr code to transfer your information to another user. the app is build with nativescript, vue ,nativescript-zxing(generating a qr code) and nativescript-barcodescanner(reading a barcode with the camera)
home | myinfo | qr scanner | my qr |
Qr scanning
Qr generation
persistent contact list using sqlite
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Preview on device
tns preview
# Build, watch for changes and run the application
tns run <platform>
# Build, watch for changes and debug the application
tns debug <platform>
# Build for production
tns build <platform> --env.production
if you clone the repo there should be no issues, but if you for some resone need to reset the app resources, please check the below issues
there is a 'Duplicate class found in modules core-3.3.0.jar' bug that arises from using the above 2 plugins ,
the solution is to add to your /app/App_Resources/Android/app.gradle
configurations {
compile.exclude group: ''
My full app gradle is :
android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 17
generatedDensities = []
aaptOptions {
additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"
configurations {
compile.exclude group: ''
if you still get an error try this :
open up where the plugin was installed (node_modules/nativescript-zxing) and then delete the platforms/android folder inside my plugin.
some usefull tns commands for final build :
tns resources generate splashes '/readmeImage/logo.png' --background "#C08497"
tns resources generate icons '/readmeImage/icon.png'
changing all name :
<string name="app_name">Qr-contact</string>
<string name="title_activity_kimera">Qr-contact</string>
- Hendrikus van Katwijk - Github - Personal website
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details