Bomberman clone for AI teaching
This project is a product of the practical assignement of one of our classes: Artifical Intelligence and the main idea behind it is to implement an ai agent (using a* search algorithm) to win the bomberman game.
Make sure you are running Python 3.5.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Tip: you might want to create a virtualenv first
open 3 terminals:
$ python3
$ python3
$ python3
to play using the sample client make sure the client pygame hidden window has focus
Directions: arrows
A: 'a' - detonates (only after picking up the detonator powerup)
B: 'b' - drops bomb
Make sure pygame is properly installed:
python -m pygame.examples.aliens
- Ubuntu 18.04
- OSX 10.14.6
- Windows 10.0.18362
- Vasco Ramos: vascoalramos
- Diogo Silva: HerouFenix
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.