This project simulates a blogging database.
We'll work with classes such as User, Author, Article, Comments.
- .NET 7 SDK
- install dotnet-ef, dotnet-user-secrets
- Introduction to EntityFramework Core and the benefits it brings
- Query Examples
- Key Concepts and setup
- DbContext
- IEntityTypeConfiguration
- Converters
- Constraints, primary and foreign key, CHECK
- Indexes
- Joins, 1-to-1, 1-to-many, many-to-many (join table)
- Models
- Attributes
- Code First database management
- Separating infrastructure from business logic
- Soft delete
- Global filter for type
- Storing secrets such as the connection string
- Repositories
- Partial hydration
- Auto include
- Adding data on migrate (separate migrations)
- Testing with an actual database
In simple terms, an author profile may be shared among many users but must always be administered by one. An author writes and publishes articles. Users may comment on published articles.
User {
guid id PK
User ||--|| UserSettings: Has
UserSettings {
guid id PK
guid user_id FK
User ||--o{ AuthorProfile: "can have many profiles"
Author ||--o{ AuthorProfile: "shared with users"
AuthorProfile {
guid user_id FK
guid author_id FK
bool isAdministrator FK "User id"
Author {
guid id PK
Author ||--o{ Article: Publish
Article {
guid id PK
guid author_id FK
Response {
guid id PK
guid article_id FK
Response }o--|| Article: Has
State diagram showing how an article can switch state.
- Neglecting database knowledge and techniques is a mistake. To use any ORM effectively, you need to know the underlying technology intimately.
- Removing persistence logic from entities
- Generating primary keys: GUID vs Long, Application vs Database generated
- Model attributes inconvenient conveniences
Generate migration from unconfigured classes. Inspect the proposed changes from EF Core. Tweak the configuration. Run generate SQL script.
Section 1: Introduction to OR/Ms and Benefits
- Object Relation Mapping (OR/M) explained
- Benefits of using an OR/M
- Why choose EntityFramework Core over other OR/Ms
Section 2: Key Concepts in EF Core
- DbContext explained
- IEntityTypeConfiguration
- Converts, Constraints, and Migrations
- Code first vs. Database first
Section 3: Relationships in EF Core
Joins in EF Core
One-to-one relationships
One-to-many relationships
Many-to-many relationships
Section 4: Encapsulating Models and Class Standards
Encapsulating models for better structure
Good class standards for EF Core
Section 5: Securely Storing Connection Strings
How to securely store connection strings in production environments
Best practices for connection string management
Section 6: Advanced Entity Configuration
Soft delete in EF Core
Adding timestamps to entities
Auto includes in EF Core
Section 7: Adding Data on Migrate
Adding data when creating a database
Creating seed data in EF Core
Section 8: Testing with a Real Database using Testcontainers
How to test your EF Core application with a real database using testcontainers
Best practices for testing EF Core applications
Overall Objective: By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of EntityFramework Core and be able to use it effectively in real-world software development projects. They will be able to encapsulate models, configure advanced entity settings, and use testcontainers to test their applications with a real database.