Udacity Full Stack Nano Degree Project 5
The fourthproject of the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program called "Build a Neighbourhood Map using Google API's".
- LiveDemo
- Download
- Knowledge Requirements
- Running Documents Locally
- Output
- References
- Bug And Feature Requests
for Live Demo click here
The files for the project, download.
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files:
└── css
| |
| └── header.css
| └── styles.css
└── js
| |
| └── maps.js
| └── header.js
| └── data.js
└── NeighbourhoodMap.html
└── README.md
- JS
- Ajax
- KnockOut-JS
- Google-API
- FourSquare-API
- knockout.js helps you simplify dynamic JavaScript UIs using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern.
- for more information Online.
- Foursquare is a technology company that uses location intelligence to build meaningful consumer experiences and business solutions.
- Foursquare offers hosted technology and data to build context-smart, location-aware apps. Places by Foursquare technology powers location data for Apple, Uber, Twitter, Microsoft, Samsung and 100,000 other developers.
- use clientId ,secretId to get location information by pasing latitude and longitude.you can see in maps.js.
- for more information online.
- Google providing different types of facilites.API's one.
- These API used for Developing Perposes.
- The Maps JavaScript API lets you customize maps with your own content and imagery for display on web pages and mobile devices.
- The Maps JavaScript API features four basic map types (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain) which you can modify using layers and styles, controls and events, and various services and libraries.
- Inthis project i used googlemapJs API check here
- if want to Add your favourite places, then Open Data.js and Add.
- check Network connection and Open NeighbourhoodMap.html in Browser.
- After that, To searching for Location, Click on Hamburger Button on top-left.
- To close click on X mark.
- Output Looks like this.
- Stack overflow to errors retriving.
- FourSquare API online.
- Google MapsJS API Online.
- KnockOut JS Online.
- Have a bug or a feature request? Please feel free to open an issue.