The Holiday module uses the PEAR library for calculating holidays for web2project. Additionally, it features a whitelist & blacklist for adding custom holidays based on additional requirements, etc. The goal is to allow for more advanced calculation of workhours and project dates, etc.
The original version of this module was developed by Vegard Fiksdal of Sensorlink and acknowledged in license.txt
- To install this module, please follow the standard module installation procedure. Download the latest version from Github and unzip this directory into your web2project/modules directory.
- Select to System Admin -> View Modules and you should see "holiday" near the bottom of the list.
- On the "Holiday" row, select "install". The screen should refresh. Now select "disabled" to toggle it to active and have it display in your top navigation bar.
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- Initial release for web2project
- No known issues.
- v1.0 Conversion to web2project: May 2011
- v0.2 Original Development for dotproject: December 2008
If you find this module particularly useful and would like to express gratitude or seek additional development, please do not hesitate to contact CaseySoftware, LLC via