Wellang is currently under a complete rewrite, it is currently barely functional so please be patient. Thank you!
Wellang is in an extremely early state with pending syntax changes and the development of the compiler. MAKE SURE you keep wellang up to date in these early stages.
This is a project by Tristan Wellman. Wellang is a high level compiled assembly language; you will have your low level assembly programming but with some features from high level language. See below for compilation and simple documentation.
Email: wellangcode@gmail.com
Wellang discord server: https://discord.gg/K4ufunGxJv
$ make
~include <std.well>
~constants {
~string:text = 'Hello World!'
~int:main {
move~ text, r1
call~ printf
return~ 0
to compile your well program you can run well
in your terminal:
$ well main.well -o out
make vim