My personal scripts for the Amazing Marvin task management system. Will use the Marvin API or direct access to the CloudAnt CouchDB instance as necessary.
- API access with httpx
- DB access with cloudant-python-sdk (docs)
- Visualize task throughput with plotting lib or export to GSheets, etc.
- [DONE] Compute task throughput - tasks created v. finished over time
The scripts were developed using Python 3.9.7. The requirements may not work with other Python versions.
Create a local virtual environment (venv):
python -m venv /venv
Activate the environment and install requirements from requirements.txt
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy the .env.example
cp .env.example .env
Get Amazing Marvin credentials from here, and plug them into the .env