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widberg edited this page Apr 15, 2023 · 28 revisions

Chum World BITMAP
zouna-templates-docs rat/bitmap_z
ImFUEL Bitmap_Z

Additional reading

struct Bitmap_Z_Header : ResourceObject_Z { // 32
    std::uint16_t multipleImages;
        // 0 for one image
        // 2 for 6 image cubemap
        // Always 0 except for 1 image in SHARED where it's 2
        // used as a loop count
        // 0, 1, 2
        // 2 - 6
        // !2 - 1
        // only 0 and 2 dont lead to a fail return
    std::uint32_t width;
    std::uint32_t height;
    std::uint32_t dataSize;
    std::uint8_t renderFlags;
        // 0, 53, 60, 181
        // Flag masks:
        //   * 0x80 unused
        //   * 0x20 unused
        //   * 0x10 unused
        //   * 0x8 unused
        //   * 0x4 something
        //   * 0x1 unused
        // If u1 & 0x4 == 0, then some bools are set in the renderer
    std::uint8_t bitmapType;
        // Unused?
        // Whether a bitmap is a diffuse, normal, specular, etc...
    std::uint16_t zero;
        // Padding?
        // Always 0
    float layer;
        // lower is higher layer
        // > 0 doesnt get drawn
        // so transparent textures show up on top
        // gets added to something in the renderer
        // usually 0
        // sometimes -1 or -2
        // x + y + u7
        // result of addition is often -1.0
    std::uint8_t inputDXTVersion;
        // Unused?
        // 14 - DXT1
        // 16 - DXT5
        // 0 - multiple input files
        // always matchs dxtVersion1 except for the cube map
    std::uint8_t mipMapCount;
    std::uint8_t four;
        // Unused?
        // Always 4
    std::uint8_t inputUnused3;
        // Unused?
        // 3 - normal
        // 0 - multiple input images
        // Always 3 except for the SHARED cubmap where it is 0
    std::uint8_t dxtVersion;
        // 14 - DXT1
        // 16 - DXT5
        // used as a loop count
    std::uint8_t rdrRelated;
        // material related
        // 0, 1, 2
        // If 1 material RdrFlag is ORed with 0x40
        // If 2 material RdrFlag is ORed with 0x20
        // Else nothing
        // material RdrFlag Masked with 0x1f
        // 0xFF for the cube map texture
//--- 010 Editor v11.0.1 Binary Template

struct Bitmap_Z_Header
    uint32 friendly_name_crc32;
    uint16 dwCaps2;
    uint32 width;
    uint32 height;
    uint32 dataSize;
    ubyte u1;
    ubyte bitmapType;
    uint16 zero;
    float u7;
    ubyte dxtVersion0;
    ubyte mipMapCount;
    ubyte u2;
    ubyte u3;
    ubyte dxtVersion1;
    ubyte u4;
} bitmap;
struct Bitmap_Z {
    std::uint8_t data[__header.dataSize];
        // DXT1 or DXT5 compressed image data based on dxtVersion0

Alternate format:

struct Bitmap_Z_Header_Alt // 13
    std::uint32_t friendly_name_crc32;
    std::uint32_t zero0;
    std::uint8_t u3;
        // Always 3
    std::uint8_t dxtVersion0;
        // 16, 14, 7
    std::uint8_t u4;
        // 0, 2
    std::uint16_t zero1;
struct Bitmap_Z_Alt
    std::uint32_t width;
    std::uint32_t height;
    std::uint32_t zero;
    std::uint32_t unknown0;
        // 60
    std::uint16_t unknown1;
        // 7
    std::uint8_t unknown2;
        // 4
    std::uint8_t data[data_size - 19];
        // DXT1 or DXT5 compressed image data based on dxtVersion0


For FMTK Users and Mod Developers

Read the Docs

For FMTK Developers

Asobo BigFile Format Specification
Asobo Classes
Asobo File Format Idioms
Asobo CRC32
Asobo LZ Compression
Asobo Arithmetic Coding Compression
Asobo Save Game File Format Specification
Asobo Audio Formats
TotemTech/ToonTech/Zouna/ACE/BSSTech/Opal Timeline
Zouna Modding Resources

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