Pipeline for scaffolding genome assemblies using haplotagging reads.
Pipeline steps:
Scaffolding with scaffhtag:
1 Barcoded tags are extracted from htag raw sequencing reads and appended
to read names for further processing
2 The reads are mapped to the draft assembly using either BWA or SMALT
3 Barcodes are sorted together with contigs as well as mapping coordinates
4 A relation matrix is built to record the shared barcodes among the contigs which may be linked
5 Order and orientation of linked contigs are determined after nearest neighbours are found.
Requirements for compiling: gcc gcc-4.9.2 or late:
If you see this message, cc1: error: unrecognised command line option ‘-std=c11’ make: *** [breakhtag.o] Error 1
you need a higher version of gcc CC= /software/gcc-4.9.2/bin/gcc in the makefile
$ git clone https://github.com/wtsi-hpag/scaffhtag.git
$ cd scaffhtag
$ bash install.sh
If everything compiled successfully you must see the final comment: "Congrats: installation successful!"
The genome aligner BWA (http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net) and SMALT (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/science/tools/smalt-0) are downloaded and compiled by htag.
$ /full/path/to/htag/src/scaff_read input.dat htag-reads_BC1.fastq.gz htag-reads_BC2.fastq.gz \
input.dat - input a text file to point the locations of the reads in cram files \
htag-reads_BC1.fastq.gz - output read file \
htag-reads_BC1.fastq.gz - output read file \
input.dat file shoul be like with full path:
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#17.cram \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#18.cram \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#19.cram \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#20.cram \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#21.cram \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#22.cram \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#23.cram \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/43969#24.cram \
$ /full/path/to/htag/src/scaffhtag -nodes <nodes> -align <aligner> -score <score> \
-matrix <matrix_size> -read-s1 <min_reads_s1> -read-s2 <min_reads_s2> \
-edge <edge_len> -link-s1 <n_links_s1> -link-s2 <n_links_s2> -block <block> \
[ -mkdup Dupmarked.bam ] [ -plot barcode-length.png ] \
draft-assembly.fasta htag-reads_BC1.fastq.gz htag-reads_BC2.fastq.gz output_scaffolds.fasta
nodes: number of CPUs requested [ default = 30 ]
score: averaged mapping score on each barcode fragment [ default = 20 ]
aligner: sequence aligner: bwa or smalt [ default = bwa ]
matrix_size: relation matrix size [ default = 2000 ]
min_reads_s1: step 1: minimum number of reads per barcode [ default = 10 ]
min_reads_s2: step 2: minimum number of reads per barcode [ default = 10 ]
edge_len: length of mapped reads to consider for scaffolding [ default = 50000 ]
n_links_s1: step 1: minimum number of shared barcodes [ default = 8 ]
n_links_s2: step 2: minimum number of shared barcodes [ default = 8 ]
aggressive: 1 - aggressively mapping filtering on small PacBio/ONT contigs;
0 - no aggressive for short read assembly [ default = 1 ]
block: length to determine for nearest neighbours [ default = 50000 ]
plot: output image file with barcode length distributions and coverage stats
mkdup: output bam file with duplicated reads removed \n");
$ /full/path/to/htag/src/scaffhtag -nodes <nodes> -plot barcode-length.png \
-bam /lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/aligned.bam \
draft-assembly.fasta output_scaffolds.fasta \
$ /full/path/to/htag/src/scaff-bin/ema-align.csh <input_cram_file> \
<Output_workdirectory> <bwa_index> <output_bam_file> \
Tools needed
1. samtools version 1.15 or later
2. SamHaplotag
3. bwa version 0.7.12-r1044 or later
4. ema
Use of bioconda for installation
Reference index
-- Say you have a reference genome assembly
cd /lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/bindex/
bwa index Oak-chr.fasta
samtools faidx Oak-chr.fasta
-- Say you have cram file 43969#17.cram and Oak-chr.fasta index
/nfs/users/nfs_z/zn1/bin/ema-align.csh 43969#17.cram readsplit-17 \
/lustre/scratch117/sciops/team117/hpag/zn1/project/HiC/QC/run-43969/oak1/bindex/Oak-chr.fasta \
Your output file ema_final-17.bam will be in readsplit-17.