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This is a python project transforming sentiment analysis of audio to MQTT messages.

It using the pywhispercpp package to run the whisper model for speech-to-text and huggingface package to run the text-classification model. The output is streamed to a MQTT broker.

Before we can start we need to install ffmpeg

# on Ubuntu or Debian
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg

# on Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S ffmpeg

# on MacOS using Homebrew (
brew install ffmpeg

# on Windows using Chocolatey (
choco install ffmpeg

# on Windows using Scoop (
scoop install ffmpeg

Running the application

The application is intended to be ran as a standalone application as this requires the minimal amount of effort to get started.

However, it is possible to run the application in a docker container to avoid installing the required packages on your host machine.

On non-docker machines

Install the dependencies:

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. pip install pywhispercpp

Run the application:

  1. python
  2. or python3

On docker

It is possible to run this application in a docker container.

Because we need to stream the audio from the host machine to the docker container, we need to install PulseAudio on the host machine and run the PulseAudio server.

Below we will make the distinction between the host machine and the docker container.

The host machine is your current device (e.g. your laptop, raspberry pi, etc.) and the docker container is the container that is running the sentiment analysis.

With linux (Raspberry Pi)

TODO: add instructions for running on raspberry pi

With MacOS

  1. Install PulseAudio on your macbook

    run ./

  2. Get your current IP address of your macbook

    ipconfig getifaddr en0

    The output should be something like, and this value should be used to replace <HOST> below for the PULSE_SERVER variable.

    ⚠️ Your IP address will be different from each network you connect to.

  3. Run docker container using your IP address

    The docker container needs to be run with the --net=host and --privileged flags to be able to connect to the PulseAudio server on the host machine.

    Make sure to always update the PULSE_SERVER environment variable to the correct IP address when changing locations/networks.

    1. You can either build the container yourself

      docker build -f Dockerfile -t whisper .

      docker run --net=host --privileged -e PULSE_SERVER=<HOST> whisper

    2. or using the pre-built container from the Docker Hub

      docker run --net=host --privileged -e PULSE_SERVER=<HOST> xiduzo/whisper-sentiment-analysis:latest

All environment variables

Variable Description Default value
WHISPER_MODEL The whisper model base.en
PULSE_SERVER* When running in docker -
TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_MODEL The text-classification model j-hartmann/emotion-english-distilroberta-base
MQTT_HOST The host of the MQTT broker
MQTT_USER When using a MQTT broker which requires authentication None
MQTT_PWD When using a MQTT broker which requires authentication None
MQTT_BASE_TOPIC The host of the MQTT broker sentiment_analysis_base_topic

* Required

Volumes (Optional)

Volume Maps to Description Default value
~/.config/pulse /root/.config/pulse The pulseaudio configuration files. Only used when running the application in a docker container -


1. Validate that the connection is made (when running in docker)

Check if there is a connection between the docker-container and the host machine by running the following command on the host machine:

netstat -an | grep 4713

Should say something like:

tcp4       0      0  <HOST>.4713      <HOST>.<PORT>    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  <HOST>.<PORT>    <HOST>.4713      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  *.4713           *.*              LISTEN
tcp6       0      0  *.4713           *.*              LISTEN

2. Audio is not being picked up by the docker container

⚠️ Whenever you attach a new audio device to your host machine, you need to reconfigure the input and output devices.

⚠️ Whenever you restart your host machine, you need to reconfigure the input and output devices.

PulseAudio will stream audio from the host machine to the docker container. However, you need to manually configure which input and output devices to use.

Command Description
pactl list List all sinks and sources

Configure a (temporary) input device

Command Description
pacmd list-sources | grep -e 'index:' -e device.string -e 'name:' List all available input devices
pacmd set-default-source <INDEX> Set temporary input device

Example output of listing input devices:

index: 0
    name: <Channel_1__Channel_2.monitor>
            device.string = "External screen microphone"
index: 1
    name: <Channel_1>
            device.string = "USB Audio Device"
* index: 2
    name: <Channel_1.2>
            device.string = "MacBook Pro Microphone"

Configure a (temporary) output device

Command Description
pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'index:' -e 'name:' List all available output devices
pacmd set-default-sink <INDEX> Set temporary output device

Example output of listing output devices:

* index: 0
	name: <Channel_1__Channel_2>
index: 1
	name: <Front_Left__Front_Right.2>
index: 2
	name: <1__2>

Read this blog post for some more useful examples.

Validating audio streaming (docker -> host machine)

To validate that the audio streaming it working properly you can try to play audio from the docker container --> host machine.

Run the following commands in order:

Command Description
docker ps List running containers, find the CONTAINER ID of one with a name including whisper
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash Get into the sentiment analysis container
ls /usr/share/sounds/alsa/ List available sounds, should be a list of .wav files
paplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/<SOUND> Should play the sound on host machine output device
exit Exit the container