NMPaginator is a simple Objective-C class that handles pagination for you.
It makes it easy to display results from API webservices that take page
and per_page
e.g. Flickr API :
In this test project, we use the paginator to display the results in a UITableView that automatically loads the next page of results as you scroll down.
##How to use it
You need to sublass NMPaginator and implement the following method :
// MyPaginator.m
- (void)fetchResultsWithPage:(NSInteger)page pageSize:(NSInteger)pageSize { ... }
Once you receive the results from the API, you just need to call [self receivedResults:results total:total]
and NMPaginator takes care of the rest.
In your ViewController, you instantiate the paginator like this :
// ViewController.m
self.myPaginator = [[MyPaginator alloc] initWithPageSize:10 delegate:self];
And ask for results like this :
// ViewController.m
[self.myPaginator fetchNextPage];
You will get the results through the delegate method :
// ViewController.m
- (void)paginator:(id)paginator didReceiveResults:(NSArray *)results
// handle new results
My name is Nicolas Mondollot, you can follow me on twitter.
To demonstrate NMPaginator, I used the FlickFetcher class from the great Stanford CS193P course.
Do whatever you want with this piece of code (commercially or free). Attribution would be nice though.