The day 8 & 10 AGMC (by Alterra) submission project.
Notable features:
- Includes a multi-stage Dockerfile, which actually build Go binaries (minimum app size).
- Has functional tests for application's business requirements using default Go testing.
- You need to run database app (MySQL) in your local machine first before up the app docker image
- You can access the endpoints at
config file, look at .env.example for mandatory key-value -
Build app using
docker build -t <your_tag> .
or using
docker-compose build
or just up published docker image using following docker-compose.yml file
version: "3.7" services: app: image: ymanshur/go-restful:${APP_VERSION} container_name: go-restful ports: - ${HOST_PORT:-8000}:${PORT:-8000} expose: - ${PORT:-8000} environment: JWT_SECRET: ${JWT_SECRET:?err} DB_USER: ${DB_USER:?err} DB_PASS: ${DB_PASS:?err} DB_PORT: ${DB_PORT:?err} DB_HOST: host.docker.internal DB_NAME: ${DB_NAME:?err}
means app will access your local machine host
You can up existing db image such as mysql (officialy exist at Github Hub registry) and use it for database, but its optional. You can write your own service or extend from docker-compose.db.yml.
app_db: extends: file: docker-compose.db.yml service: db container_name: go-restful_db
and if you need lite version of phpMyAdmin just add following service
app_db_adminer: extends: file: docker-compose.db.yml service: adminer container_name: go-restful_db_adminer
Run app using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
argument means detached mode
Firstly, you should create
file (see .env.test.example for mandatory key-value). -
If you have not database in you machine, you can use containerized database for testing by run following command.
docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml --env-file .env.test up -d
Do functional test using following command
make test
To show in html mode, use
make test mode=html