cub3D is a project that involves creating a "realistic" 3D graphical representation of the interior of a maze from a first-person perspective. This representation is achieved using Ray-Casting principles. The subject of the project can be found here.
- The program should be capable of setting the floor and ceiling colors with two different colors.
- It displays the image in a window and follows these rules:
- Left and right arrow keys allow the user to look left and right in the maze.
- W, A, S, and D keys allow movement through the maze.
- Pressing ESC should close the window and exit the program cleanly.
- Clicking the red cross in the window frame should close the window and exit the program cleanly.
- The use of miniLibX images is recommended.
- Wall collisions.
- A minimap system.
- Doors that can be opened and closed.
- Animated sprites.
- Rotating the viewpoint with the mouse.
- The program takes a scene description file with the .cub extension as its first argument.
- The map should consist only of 6 possible characters: 0 for an empty space, 1 for a wall, and N, S, E, or W for the player's starting position and orientation.
- The map should be enclosed/surrounded by walls; otherwise, the program should return an error.
- Each element (except the map) has a type identifier (composed of one or two characters), followed by specific information for each object in a strict order.
- All files must be included in the submission.
- The Makefile must contain the commands: all, clean, fclean, re, bonus.
- External functions such as open, close, read, write, printf, malloc, free, perror, strerror, exit, all math library functions (-lm), and all miniLibX library functions are allowed.
- The use of the Libft library is permitted.
- The project must be submitted in *.cub format.