This repository contains template codes for runnings workflow steps including
- Reference data
- CommonMind Consortium data preparation
- Blueprint data preparation
- BAM workflow to TReC/ASReC
- Deconvolution with CIBERSORT and ICeDT
- eQTL mapping
- Enrichment
for our manuscript Cell Type-Specific Expression Quantitative Trait Loci.
Since GTEx samples are available on the NHGRI AnVIL cloud, they were processed using a combination of Docker and WDL with details provided in this repository.
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Code to obtain CMC inputs
# Install package
repos = c("",""))
# Login to Synapse
username = "." # your username
password = "." # your password
down_dir = "." # user-specified directory to download files
# Function used to download files
entity = "syn4600989" # an example SYN ID unique to a file
synGet(entity = entity,downloadLocation = down_dir)
# List of SYN_IDs, use synGet() to download
"syn4600989" # CMC Human sampleIDkey metadata
"syn4600985" # QC'd genotype bed file data
"syn4600987" # QC'd bim file
"syn4600989" # QC fam file
"syn4935690" # README file
"syn5600756" # list of outlier samples
"syn18080588" # SampleID key
"syn3354385" # clinical data
"syn18358379" # RNAseq meta/QC data
# List of BAM SYN_IDs
tableId = "syn11638850"
results = synTableQuery(smart_sprintf("select * from %s
where species='Human' and dataType='geneExpression'", tableId))
# results$filepath
aa =
aa = aa[grep("bam",aa$name),]
aa = aa[grep("accepted",aa$name),] # excluding unmapped bam files
# Download BAM files one by one
BAM_dir = "./BAM"; dir.create(BAM_dir)
for(samp in sort(unique(aa$specimenID))){
samp_dir = file.path(BAM_dir,samp)
samp_syn_ids = aa$id[which(aa$specimenID == samp)]
for(samp_syn_id in samp_syn_ids){
synGet(entity = samp_syn_id,down_dir = samp_dir)
# SNP6 annotation CSV file
tmp_link = ""
tmp_link = file.path(tmp_link,"downloads/na35/genotyping")
tmp_link = file.path(tmp_link,"")
system(sprintf("wget %s",tmp_link))
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Download metadata and BAMs with Pyega3
contains user login information -
To obtain metadata,
# for example dataset=EGAD00001002663 # genotypes # dataset=EGAD00001002671 # purified cell type 1 # dataset=EGAD00001002674 # purified cell type 2 # dataset=EGAD00001002675 # purified cell type 3 # Download metadata code pyega3 -cf cred_file.json files $dataset
To obtain BAM files one by one,
# num threads/cores nt=1 # Example file id per BAM id=EGAF00001330176 # Download code pyega3 -cf cred_file.json -c $nt fetch $id
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For paired-end reads
java -Xmx4g -jar picard.jar SamToFastq \ INPUT=input.bam FASTQ=output_1.fastq.gz \ SECOND_END_FASTQ=output_2.fastq.gz \ UNPAIRED_FASTQ=output_unpair.fastq.gz \ INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT
For single-end reads
java -Xmx4g -jar picard.jar SamToFastq \ INPUT=input.bam FASTQ=output.fastq \ INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS=true \ VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT
Build STAR index
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fasta_fn=Homo_sapiens_assembly38_noALT_noHLA_noDecoy_ERCC.fasta gtf_fn=gencode.v26.GRCh38.ERCC.genes.gtf STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \ --genomeDir ./star_index \ --genomeFastaFiles $fasta_fn \ --sjdbGTFfile $gtf_fn \ --sjdbOverhang 99 --runThreadN 1
Run STAR for read alignment
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For paired-end reads
STAR --runMode alignReads \ --runThreadN 1 --genomeDir ./star_index --twopassMode Basic \ --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 \ --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \ --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.1 --alignIntronMin 20 \ --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \ --outFilterType BySJout --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.33 \ --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.33 --limitSjdbInsertNsj 1200000 \ --readFilesIn output_1.fastq.gz output_2.fastq.gz \ --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix output_hg38 \ --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outFilterIntronMotifs None \ --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds Yes --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM \ GeneCounts --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --outSAMunmapped Within \ --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --chimSegmentMin 15 \ --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15 --chimOutType WithinBAM SoftClip \ --chimMainSegmentMultNmax 1 --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM NM ch \ --outSAMattrRGline ID:rg1 SM:sm1
For single-end reads
STAR --runMode alignReads \ --runThreadN 1 --genomeDir ./star_index --twopassMode Basic \ --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --alignSJoverhangMin 8 \ --alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \ --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.1 --alignIntronMin 20 \ --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \ --outFilterType BySJout --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.33 \ --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.33 --limitSjdbInsertNsj 1200000 \ --readFilesIn output.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat \ --outFileNamePrefix output_hg38 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif \ --outFilterIntronMotifs None --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds Yes \ --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \ --outSAMunmapped Within --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory \ --chimSegmentMin 15 --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15 \ --chimOutType WithinBAM SoftClip --chimMainSegmentMultNmax 1 \ --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM NM ch \ --outSAMattrRGline ID:rg1 SM:sm1
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# Sort reads by coordinate samtools sort -@ 0 -o output_hg38.sortedByCoordinate.bam \ output_hg38Aligned.out.bam # Make bam index samtools index -b -@ 1 output_hg38.sortedByCoordinate.bam # MarkDuplicates java -Xmx4g -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates \ INPUT=output_hg38.sortedByCoordinate.bam \ \ M=out.marked_dup_metrics.txt ASSUME_SORT_ORDER=coordinate
Process post-markduplicate sorted bam
# Count num reads in bam samtools view -c -@ 0 # Re-index bam samtools index -b -@ 1
Get TReC and ASReC
Download asSeq source package
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url= url=$url/master/asSeq_0.99.501.tar.gz wget $url
Install R package and run
to get unique reads and filterClick to expand!
install.packages(pkgs = "asSeq_0.99.501.tar.gz", type = "source",repos = NULL) PE = TRUE # set TRUE for paired-end samples # set FALSE for single-end flag1 = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE,isDuplicate = FALSE, isNotPassingQualityControls = FALSE, isSupplementaryAlignment = FALSE,isProperPair = PE) param1 = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = flag1, what = "seq",mapqFilter = 255) bam_file = "" bam_filt_fn = "output.filtered.asSeq.bam" Rsamtools::filterBam(file = bam_file, destination = bam_filt_fn, param = param1)
Create exon image file
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gtf_fn = "gencode.v26.GRCh38.ERCC.genes.gtf.gz" exdb = GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(file = gtf_fn, format = "gtf") exons_list_per_gene = GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(exdb, by = "gene") gtf_rds_fn = "exon_by_genes_gencode_v26.rds" saveRDS(exons_list_per_gene,gtf_rds_fn)
Get total read count (TReC)
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genes = readRDS(gtf_rds_fn) bamfile = Rsamtools::BamFileList(bam_filt_fn, yieldSize = 1000000) se = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = bamfile,mode = "Union",singleEnd = !PE, ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE) ct =
Filter reads by Qname
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samtools sort -n -o output.filtered.asSeq.sortQ.bam \ output.filtered.asSeq.bam
Extract allele-specific reads, outputs hap1.bam, hap2.bam, hapN.bam
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het_snp_fn = "<tab delimited filename of heterozygous SNPs for sample>" # Columns: chr, position, hap1 allele, hap2 allele # no header bam_filt_sortQ_fn = "output.filtered.asSeq.sortQ" asSeq::extractAsReads(input = sprintf("%s.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn), snpList = het_snp_fn,min.avgQ = 20,min.snpQ = 20)
Count allele-specific read counts (ASReC)
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se1 = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = sprintf("%s_hap1.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn),mode = "Union", singleEnd = !PE,ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE) se2 = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = sprintf("%s_hap2.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn),mode = "Union", singleEnd = !PE,ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE) seN = GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(features = genes, reads = sprintf("%s_hapN.bam",bam_filt_sortQ_fn),mode = "Union", singleEnd = !PE,ignore.strand = TRUE,fragments = PE)
Save read counts
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ct1 = ct2 = ctN = cts = cbind(ct,ct1,ct2,ctN) # trec, hap1, hap2, hapN dim(cts); cts[1:2,] out_fn = "output.trecase.txt" write.table(cts,file = out_fn,quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n")
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Signature expression derived from single cell RNAseq
- Middle Temporaral Gyrus
- Pipeline/Workflow to perform quality control on samples and genes, perform dimension reduction, clustering, and compare cluster assignments to existing cell type labeling. The signature matrix for brain that we have used is signature_MTG.rds
- Downstream differential expression analysis
- Transcripts per million (TPM), gene count normalized by exonic gene length and then all genes are normalized by total normalized gene count, then multipled by 1 million
- Cell sizes: For brain, summation of gene count normalized by exonic gene length. For blood, obtained from EPIC and ICeDT papers.
Deconvolution Inputs
- Bulk RNA-seq TPM (
), - scRNA-seq TPM (
), - cell sizes
- Bulk RNA-seq TPM (
Template code
Input variables and objects. Make sure the genes are ordered consistently between
work_dir = "." # working directory setwd(work_dir) sig_tpm # TPM signature expression matrix bulk_tpm # TPM bulk expression matrix
sig_fn = file.path(work_dir,"signature.txt") mix_fn = file.path(work_dir,"mixture.txt") write.table(cbind(rowname=rownames(sig_tpm),sig_tpm), file = sig_fn,sep = "\t",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE) write.table(cbind(rowname=rownames(bulk_tpm),bulk_tpm), file = mix_fn,sep = "\t",quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE) source("CIBERSORT.R") # obtained from CIBERSORT website results = CIBERSORT(sig_matrix = sig_fn,mixture_file = mix_fn, perm = 0,QN = FALSE,absolute = FALSE,abs_method = 'sig.score', filename = "DECON") unlink(x = c(sig_fn,mix_fn)) ciber_fn = sprintf("CIBERSORT-Results_%s.txt","DECON") unlink(ciber_fn) QQ = ncol(sig_tpm) # Extract proportion of transcripts per cell type per sample pp_bar_ciber = results[,seq(QQ)] # Calculate proportion of cell types per sample pp_hat_ciber = t(apply(pp_bar_ciber,1,function(xx){ yy = xx / cell_sizes; yy / sum(yy) }))
fit = ICeDT::ICeDT(Y = bulk_tpm,Z = sig_tpm, tumorPurity = rep(0,ncol(bulk_tpm)),refVar = NULL, rhoInit = NULL,maxIter_prop = 4e3, maxIter_PP = 4e3,rhoConverge = 1e-2) # Extract proportion of transcripts per cell type per sample pp_bar_icedt = t(fit$rho)[,-1] # Calculate proportion of cell type per sample pp_hat_icedt = t(apply(pp_bar_icedt,1,function(xx){ yy = xx / cell_sizes; yy / sum(yy) }))
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BULK mode: If running bulk analyses, set
to a matrix withN
rows and 1 column and setXX_trecPC
to residual TReC PCs calculated without accounting for cell types. -
Cell type-specific (CTS) mode: If running cell type-specific analyses, set
to estimated cell type proportions and setXX_trecPC
to proportion-adjusted residual TReC PCs. -
Example codes
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devtools::install_github("pllittle/smarter") devtools::install_github("pllittle/CSeQTL") # Sample-specific variables RHO # cell type proportions matrix XX_base # baseline covariates, continuous variables centered XX_genoPC # genotype PCs, centered XX_trecPC # residual TReC PCs, centered XX = cbind(Int = 1,XX_base,XX_genoPC,XX_trecPC) # Gene and sample variables TREC # TReC vector SNP # phased genotype vector hap2 # 2nd haplotype counts ASREC # total haplotype counts = hap1 + hap2 PHASE # Indicator vector of whether or not to use haplotype counts # Tuning arguments trim # TRUE for trimmed analysis, FALSE for untrimmed thres_TRIM # if trim = TRUE, the Cooks' distance cutoff to trim sample TReCs ncores # number of threads/cores to parallelize the loop, improve runtime # ASREC-related cutoffs to satisfy to use allele-specific read counts numAS # cutoff to determine if a sample has sufficient read counts numASn # cutoff of samples having ASREC >= numAS numAS_het # minimum number for sum(ASREC >= numAS & SNP %in% c(1,2)) cistrans # p-value cutoff on cis/trans testing to determine which p-value # (TReC-only or TReC+ASReC) to report
eQTL mapping for one gene
gs_out = CSeQTL_GS(XX = XX,TREC = TREC,SNP = SNP,hap2 = hap2, ASREC = ASREC,PHASE = PHASE,RHO = RHO,trim = trim, thres_TRIM = 20,numAS = 5,numASn = 5,numAS_het = 5, cistrans = 0.01,ncores = ncores,show = TRUE)
Hypothesis testing output. Matrices where rows are genomic loci and columns are cell types for CTS mode or a single column for BULK mode.
# TReC-only likelihood ratio test statistics with 1 DF gs_out$LRT_trec # TReC+ASReC likelihood ratio test statistics with 1 DF gs_out$LRT_trecase # Cis/Trans likelihood ratio test statistics with 1 DF gs_out$LRT_cistrans
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Functional Enrichment with Torus with example code provided below based on this markdown with examples and documentation.
torus -d eqtls.gz \ -smap snpMap.gz \ -gmap geneMap.gz \ -annot annot.gz \ -est > output_enrich
GWAS Enrichment with Jackknife-based inference
library(CSeQTL) work_dir = "." # specify a work directory # Download GWAS catalog gwas = CSeQTL:::get_GWAS_catalog(work_dir = work_dir)
: R data.frame containing headers 'Chr', 'POS', and columns leading with 'EE_' such as'EE_Astrocyte'
corresponding to eQTL binary indicators 0 or 1. Rows correspond to gene/SNP pairingswhich_gwas
: Either'gwas_catalog'
or some specific grouped phenotypenBLOCKS
: Specify the block size for jackknife estimation and inference
# Run GWAS enrichment enrich_final = c() ## Across all phenotypes enrich_catalog = CSeQTL:::run_gwasEnrich_analysis(DATA = DATA, work_dir = work_dir,which_gwas = "gwas_catalog", nBLOCKS = 200,verbose = TRUE) enrich_final = rbind(enrich_final,enrich_catalog) ## Per grouped phenotype all_phenos = unique(gwas$myPHENO) all_phenos = all_phenos[all_phenos != "gwas_catalog"] for(pheno in all_phenos){ enrich_pheno = CSeQTL:::run_gwasEnrich_analysis(DATA = DATA, work_dir = work_dir,which_gwas = pheno, nBLOCKS = 200,verbose = TRUE) enrich_final = rbind(enrich_final,enrich_pheno) }